Dark Cloud 2 Screenshots
Opening movie and demo:
- Title screen!
- Level-5 was basically an in-house developer.
- You know, things would have gone a lot better if Max had invented Visine.
- Ripping off your wings to make swords. Hardcore.
- The Squaresoft of modern times.
- "I am the wall that stands before you."
- Is that meteor... grinning?
- If you can invent it in Palm Brinks, you can invent it anywhere.
- The hero of our story. He has mommy issues.
- And our heroine. She has daddy issues.
- She don't mess around.
- Grand Theft Inventor.
- Trains, planes, and automo-- wait, there are no planes here.
- This game's sunsets and sunrises are a thing of beauty.
- "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
- That's Max. He's yellow. That's Monica. She's red. We call them the M&M's.
- Sages don't beat around the bush when it comes to crystal balls.
- "A gun, a gun! My kingdom for a gun!"
- If she spins it fast enough, she flies away. No, really.
- It's a big gay fish. Flamboyantly gay. And he's giving Max quite a look-over.
- Lapras, I choose you!
- Lali-ho!
- I'm gonna sing! I'm gonna dance! I'm gonna throw my back
- Chased by a giant mechanical clown, and Max is all hung out to dry.
- "How do I stop this crazy thing!?"
- It's not very effective...
- Treebeard took his issues with industry a bit too far.
- Those dragons look awfully Toriyama-esque.
- Super Robot Wars, the Wooden Age!
- The Mecha Samurai.
- The Black Mages did a music remix for this boss.
Palm Brinks' Underground Channel:
Sindain and the Rainbow Butterfly Forest:
- Max "Dr. Livingstone, I presume" enters Sindain.
- It's the merriest forest village ever! Just look at the
disturbingly-grinning river.
- Another view of Sindain.
- And another.
- As nice as Sindain is, Max can never shake the feeling that he's being watched...
- There's the Rainbow, where's the Butterfly?
- The LEGEND, ultimate Hammer in the game, and the Supernova, the ultimage gun. When you absolutely, positively, got to harsh every tard in the room, accept no substitutes.
- The Chronicle 2, from which the game takes its
[Japanese and Euro] name, "Dark Chronicle." Looks glittery and crystalline from afar...
- ...but its speed and power make it the best sword in the game.
- The bracelet may be named "Love," but that's the last thing you'll feel when she tosses that icicle at you.
- Clowns! Clowns everywhere! Aaaaaaaaah!
- What, just like that?
- The Rainbow Butterfly Woods are really nice, with soothing music and birds and crickets. Just ignore the murderous flora and the animated skeletons.
- Monica decides that monsters have more fun.
- At least, she flies faster than she can walk.
- Woohoo!
Balance Valley and the Starlight Canyon:
Veniccio and Ocean's Roar Cave:
Heim Rada and Mount Gundor:
- Weather in Heim Rada is very varied: Bleak, overcast, gloomy, or stormy with a chance of ashes.
- Still, lots of people seem to like it here.
- Princess Monica ponders the mystery of the Blackstone Tree.
- It's a tree. Which some sick architect set on a block of stone painted black. Mystery solved!
- That tree-lined path looks promising.
- Ooh, fancy. Wonder where it leads.
- Hot springs!
- ...but less than a mile away from a volcano. Monica longs for a hot bath, not a strip-the-flesh-from-your-bones scalding one.
- Max wonders what kind of mad, MAAAD genius would live in such a place.
- That crater looks deep.
- But armed with his trusty Grade Zero, Max fears no volcano!
- Better soften it up with a few shots of the Sigma Bazooka first.
- Take that, you nasty geological hazard!
- Sure, the Muramasa, best katana in the game, is a good choice. But someone might be a mite overdressed for exploring the mouth of an active volcano.
The Final Chapter: